first day kat rumah...

by 13:34 0 comments
hye my dear blog....apa khabar?sihat juga ka?ermmm . . .aku baru bangun . Bangun2 jak terus aku update kau . Semalam aku tidur jam 10 mlam . Pulang dari rumah kawan ummi aku , terus aku tidur.tired . . . so tired . . .bila aku bangun tadi , ummi & adik aku & abah aku tak ada kat rumah . . . semua jalan ikut program masing2 . . . huh~! bosan sangat2 aku di rumah sekarang . . . so bored without my lovely friends . . . my lovely housemate . . . huh~! miss them so much . . .~! what are they doing right now . . .? huh `~! miss you all like crazy . . . rindu aku nak study toghether2 .. . cepat lah berlalu wahai masa . . . aku mahu segera pulang & live my life with them . . .~! gonna crazy without you all . . . argh..~!!!!! banyak kelas aku lepas . . . huh~! ruginya . . . then , jumaat ni exam dah . . . what can i do now . . .~!!!!?? miss . . . miss . . . miss . . . ;-( :( i leave my heart to you . . . boleh ? so please take a good care to my heart . . . i never let my heart hurt you . . . because , my heart always love you . . . hahah...

Farhana Amylea


Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.


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